Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Court of Appeal - Part 2

Today was better than yesterday. Our QC seemed to get his footing in responding to the other side's reply. I think we're going to win on two minor points, but unfortunately, it looks bleak for the main point. I think our client is going to lose on that. But nevermind, we never expected to win. And at least with this attitude, if we do win, it will be amazing!

Now it's back to the normal deskjob for the next few weeks until my parents and Spencer come for Thanksgiving. I can't wait (17 days to go). I think I will be very busy doing a supplemental disclosure list, a witness statement, trying to settle a few matters, attending a Case Management Conference.... etc. etc. My life is so exciting, isn't it :-P

1 comment:

Julie said...

Sounds like you're beginning to adopt the attitude you described in your rugby blog. Best of luck - hope you win on ALL points. Guess that's the American in me. Thanks for the encouraging words. So proud of you and the work you're doing. Miss you.