Monday 28 April 2008

The first day of spring - finally

Some pics from our walk in the country on Saturday. Warmest day I can remember in ages!

Saturday 26 April 2008

What a difference....a few weeks make

Well - let's just say that today is the exact opposite of that post below. It is actually in the 70s today (20s C). I can't believe it. I am in capris and t-shirt and flip flops - hanging out the washing outside. And not cold. I can't remember the last time I was so naturally warm. It is glorious.

Yes, we are moving. If we can sell this darned flat. Not the best time to be moving, really - everyone seems so freaked out by the property market and it's hard to get a mortgage. But, we found this house we have fallen in love with and they have accepted our offer! Now we only have to shift this place and we will have a 4 bedroom detached house! Not sure we I'll have to change the name of our blog then.....

But I am not getting my hopes up too much. Especially cuz we haven't had anyone round to see our place yet. I will be so disappointed if we lose that house though :( But all we can do is hope someone will come see how lovely our flat is and want to buy it! Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday 6 April 2008

It's April for heaven's sake

This is what we woke up to.



Can you spot the difference?

As promised - photos from California